Project title

Stability of Network Communities against Adversarial Attack

Submitted to:

  • Suchi Kumari

Submitted By:

  1. Riteshkumar Jayprakash Yadav
  2. Shaunak Ashish Halbe
  3. Divya Ann Kurien
  4. Mohammed Afzal Raza
  5. Priyadharsan J

Project Description

Most of the real-world networks are in-homogeneous and large, and small degree nodes coexist in the system. This homogeneity leads to the formation of communities in such type of networks. Multiple community detection algorithms exist to unveil the community infor- mation of the network. But, these community identi cation algorithms raise numerous privacy concerns. Therefore, in the paper, we proposed multiple community hiding approach to conceal the information of the nodes in a various real-world network. Two objective functions; maxi- mization of permanence loss and maximization of safeness, to destabilize the network communities. This approach can be applied to any real-world application to conceal their community information.

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